The Respect Initiative
At AFC Walcountians, we pride ourselves on creating a safe, family friendly environment for all to play and enjoy football.
We fully embrace and support England Football’s Respect initiative that allows everyone to play football, our referees to officiate and parents and supporters to watch football without anyone being abused, mocked, insulted, jeered, physically assaulted, unnecessarily criticised, pushed too hard or driven to tears.
As we start the new season we would like to remind everyone of the behaviour we expect from our Managers, Club Officials, Players, Parents and Spectators in our Code of Conducts below.
Please note that we have a zero tolerance behaviour policy.
If you witness or experience behaviour that contravenes the Code of Conduct we would encourage you to report it to the Committee.
Thank you for your continued support.
Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every single person and treat them equally within the context of the sport.
Place the wellbeing and safety or each player above all other considerations, including the development of the performance.
Adhere to all the guidelines laid down by the governing bodies.
Develop an appropriate working relationship with each player based on mutual trust and respect.
Encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance.
Ensure that the activities they direct, or advocate are appropriate for the age, maturity, experience, and ability of the players.
Tell the players and their parents/guardians exactly what is expected of them.
Promote the positive aspects of the sport and never condone violations of the Laws of the Game, behaviour contrary to the spirit of the Laws of the Game or relevant rules and regulations.
Consistently display high standards of behaviour.
Do not use or tolerate inappropriate language or gestures.
Respect the decisions of Match Officials at all times and encourage similar behaviour of their players, parents and spectators.
Display respect to the opposition managers, coaches, players, parents and spectators.
Report any behaviour that is contrary to the ethos of respect and fair play from managers, club officials, players, parents and spectators of AFC Walcountians and opposition teams to the committee.
The players of AFC Walcountians represent the club at all times whilst wearing their club kit, whether they are playing, training or socialising at Walcountians Sports Club, or at an away game.
We encourage players to play fairly and to respect all others in the game.
Players should set a positive example for others in their team and the club.
Players should make every effort to be consistent with Fair Play and the Laws of the Game to help their team to win.
Players should accept success, failure, victory, or defeat equally.
Players must always treat the opposition players, managers, coaches and supporters with respect, irrespective of the result of the game.
Players must avoid violence and rough play.
Players must treat all match officials with respect and accept their decisions without protest.
Players must show respect to their teammates and treat them all equally.
Players must show respect to their own managers, coaches and club officials of AFC Walcountians and spectators.
It is important that players display the values of respect and fair play that is an integral part of AFC Walcountians.
Any player that fails to follow this code of conduct may be asked to leave the club.
The parents and spectators of AFC Walcountians players have a great influence on children’s enjoyment and success at our football club. All children play football because they first and foremost love the game.
It is important to remember that however good a child becomes at football, we must enforce the message that positive encouragement will contribute to:
Children enjoying football
Personal Achievement
Self Esteem
Improving footballing skills & technique
Parents and spectators expectations and attitudes have a significant bearing on a child’s attitude towards:
Other players
Parents and spectators should:
Respect the referee’s decision at all times. Do not question, abuse or argue with the referee under any circumstances.
Applaud the opposition as well as AFC Walcountians players.
Avoid coaching the players during the game, it is detrimental to the manager and confuses the players.
Avoid shouting, screaming and using abusive language.
Give encouragement to all players, not just the most talented
Support the Team Manager and offer assistance at all times, both on matchdays and at training.
Any parent or spectator that fails to follow this code of conduct will be asked to leave the ground immediately and possibly be banned from the club.